Alex Pett, Team Manager at UK Expert Medical, has challenged himself with the mammoth task of running 160km in just 1 month, to help raise funds for RDF. This will take place from 12th February until 12th March, which is the anniversary of Rhys passing away.

Alex is a work colleague of Vicky, Rhys’s Mum, and has set himself a goal of 160km to celebrate the 16 years that Rhys was alive. This averages around 5.7km a day, or 40km a week.

RDF is extremely grateful for the support from Alex and everyone at UK Expert Medical who is supporting him, and if anyone would like to support him by donating, please follow the link below where you can find out more.

Follow Alex on the JustGiving page for updates on his progress:


Congratulations to Alex Pett, who completed his challenge, running 160.26km over 19 runs in 28 days – an incredible achievement! He has currently raised £730 from his £750 target, which is amazing. Although he has completed his challenge, the JustGiving page is still open, so if you can donate a few pounds and help him to reach his target that would mean the world to both him and us!